A cool new service for Firefox fans, heading your way soon!

Enter your details to take part in Beta testing.

Email Address

Confirm Email Address

First Name

Last Name



If you share a computer, use the Internet at different places or just like the idea of having your personal bookmarks and settings integrated for you into Firefox on any computer anywhere... This is the must have service for you.

Sign into Mozilla Firefox on any computer using your OwnArea username.

Automatically have your settings and bookmarks seamlessly pulled down from our central servers and integrated into Firefox no matter where you are!

That’s all for now :)


If you have young loved ones using the Internet this is the invention you've been waiting for...

Activate unique Internet Navigation Protection on your loved ones OwnArea accounts and relax, safe in the knowledge they can use the web safely not only at home but also when signing into any Firefox browser (with the free OwnArea extension installed) on any computer anywhere.

Moreover, easily join family OwnArea accounts together and your Firefox browsers will automatically link together when online to form your loved ones "Circle of Trust".

Remember, this is new technology :)

Your going to have to see it for yourself. It’s not parental control, it’s not filtering, instead it’s Internet Navigation Protection and it works!


OwnArea is based on Mozilla technology for use with the Mozilla Firefox browser.

© 2005 Glaxstar