Glaxstar - Just imagine
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Who is Glaxstar

Glaxstar is the potential that lives in all of us, when we allow ourselves to think freely and let imagination determine what is possible.

Take a moment to remind your self how grateful you are just to be here in this moment. Today you can make a difference, if today anything is possible, then today is a Glaxstar day.

What is Glaxstar

Imagination is at the core of everything we do. As Albert Einstein famously said, "Imagination is more important than information."

Information is what we are told is true by those who have travelled the road before. Imagination creates new paths, leading to new possibilities regardless of what is considered possible.

The Glaxstar Corporation is founded on the belief that if we allow our imagination to determine what is possible, we can make a measurable difference in the world.

A system to 100% protect children from harmful content on the Internet, empower families and friends to use technology to come closer together instead of further apart and solve the problem of un-secure email correspondence.

Glaxstar products can empower people because they are designed around and for people.

Where is Glaxstar

Glaxstar Limited
One Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD, United Kingdom

Telephone : +44 (0) 121 616 0330
Facsimile : +44 (0) 121 616 0331
Email : [email protected]
Web :

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Glaxstar Strategic Partners
BT Broadband BT Click&Buy The IDM
BPI PKF Net Imperative